Multi-lingual Solutions
Does your business need to interact with diverse employees, clients or patients? Does it operate in different countries around the world?
Index Lingua, a diverse certified business located downtown Kansas City, can help with the language barrier by providing you access to a professional interpreter over the phone (or via videoconference) who will listen to your limited English speaking client, analyze their message and accurately convey it to you or your staff member. All this In a matter of seconds, and in over 300 languages!
With Index Lingua, you pay only for the services you use:
Flat per-minute rate or tiered
Volume-based pricing available
Rapid deployment and full account transparency
Discounting based on cumulative customer group usage
Customized billing and reporting
No time-of-day surcharges
Certified response time
Interested? Get a free quote by clicking here.
Other services include certified language translations, and video dubbing.
When you need help communicating with all your clients or employees, please contact us. We are here to help you.